Reduce 50% of Support Calls with Self Trained Knowledge Assistant

Overview Video

Incubated by | Available on SAP Store | Seamless integration with SAP CAI and other SAP products

Improve customer satisfaction. Build value

How can you double your NPS scores while reducing costs? Kate may be the answer you're looking for.

As a self-learning, AI-powered platform, Kate can be the miracle worker you’ve always wanted.

  • Let your customers get contextually relevant answers to questions
  • Have Kate find solutions from PDFs, blogs, videos, and other content resources
  • Preempt customer needs and provide recommendations

Kate isn’t just about customer service; Kate is about customer delight

No NLP training | No tagging | No FAQ creation

Reduce implementation time from months to weeks

Retire your other chatbots, search logic, and outsourced call-support staff with the power of AI

Schedule Demo

Support employees. Build a better workplace.

Developing an all-star team is not easy. Let Kate help you with it.

  • Give your employees a conversational onboarding experience.
  • Let Kate be a career coach and support transitions
  • Give your employees a personalized level-1 HR representative

Kate can get to work for you without any fuss.

No NLP training | No tagging | No FAQ creation

Minimize time for support calls and ticket resolution

Free up bandwidth for your human resources to focus on more critical tasks


Support partners. Build trust.

Give your partners something to rave about. With Kate, onboarding new partners can be a breeze, helping you reduce ramp-up time and reduce costs.

Let Kate manage your partnerships for you.

  • Give partners a conversational onboarding experience
  • Provide contextual support for implementation and maintenance projects
  • Offer reliable support for all partner-related support issues

Kate gets what partners need

No NLP training | No tagging | No FAQ creation

Minimize time for support calls and ticket resolution

Increase partner value by providing dependable, round-the-clock, contextual support

Book a Demo

Contact form

See how can you benefit
from using a chatbot to
deliver training, service your
clients, and grow sales.
11501 Dublin Blvd,
Dublin, CA
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